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Chloe Mayse: “Don’t give up on something that you are passionate about”

Chloe Mayse is a Toronto-based singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist of half-Irish and half-Chinese-Trinidadian descent. Today, she dropped her brand new single ‘HIGH SCHOOL’, a tune she describes as her “coming out” song. It’s an exceptional piece of indie-pop brilliance that we couldn’t be more proud to share with you.

Keen to learn more about the talented young musician, I was delighted when Chloe agreed to an interview! Chatting with us about ‘HIGH SCHOOL’, performing alongside indie-pop duo Tegan and Sara, and what she enjoys doing when not creating music, please give a big welcome to our new friend Chloe Mayse!

Hey Chloe, thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us. I’m so excited to introduce you to our ever-expanding audience! Before we get into the nitty-gritty, please tell us about your musical journey. When did your love affair with music begin?

Hi, thank you for the introduction and this interview. I am excited for our chat.

I always had a strong connection to music. I remember being a very shy child and didn’t speak very much to other people, but I used to sing to myself when I was around 3 years old.

I got an acoustic guitar for Christmas when I was 10 years old and started taking lessons. Then, at 15, I wrote my first song on the guitar. After writing my first song, I was obsessed with music. 

I have been fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at your incredible new single ‘HIGH SCHOOL’, a tune you’ve described as your “coming out” song. Do you remember the tune’s “birth” so to speak, and what else would you like our readers to know about your latest track?

‘HIGH SCHOOL’ is my “coming out” song because the lyrics are a reflection of how I felt during my teen years and I attended an all-girls catholic high school. The first time I came out was to my best friend that I went to school with and we were 16.

I have written many songs since that time in my life but they have been about my past relationships and experiences as an adult. I realized a few years ago that I never wrote my “coming out” song when I was a teen, so I decided to write one now because I think many people can relate to my story. 

Your previous single ‘Mad in Love’ is nearing 30,000 plays on Spotify. How does it feel to know that so many people are listening to and resonating with your music?

It feels amazing to know that people are listening to my music and enjoying it. I started out writing songs as a teenager and took a break from music to go to college and university. I honestly thought I was never going to be able to get back into the music scene, but it’s a dream come true to be making music again and to have an audience that are fans of my art.

You sang backup for one of my favourite indie-pop duos Tegan And Sara back in 2014 at the Juno Awards. Could you tell us what that experience was like for you?

Tegan and Sara are one of my favourite acts in music and I have always admired how they connect with their fans and the longevity of their career. 

2014 was a huge year for them because it was when they decided to release a pop album called ‘Heartthrob’. The hit single ‘Closer’ was playing all over radio stations and the duo were going to perform the song at the Juno Awards. They posted on social media about a singing contest and the winners would get to sing backup for them at the awards. I posted a 60-second video of me singing ‘Closer’ on YouTube and became a selected winner.

I remember the experience being exciting, nerve-racking and overall something I never would have imagined that I would get to do. We had a couple of rehearsals with them a few days before. They are really nice and have a good sense of humour. 

Because I was the shortest performer on stage with them, I actually ended up being placed at centre stage and was freaking out because at the end of the performance I had to hug Sara and everyone else squeezed in around us for the broadcasting cameras to capture the group.

Who would you put down as some of your biggest musical influences and who would you ultimately credit for helping shape and mold your overall sound?

Tegan and Sara have influenced my music and I would love to have a long career like theirs that allows me to experiment with various genres.

Other musical influences are Renee Rapp, Fletcher, Marina and the Diamonds, Shawn Mendes, Girl in Red and Machine Gun Kelly.

For my overall sound, I credit Billie Eilish and Finneas. I have used a lot of their songs as examples of the kind of production I want on my singles. 

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” What would your life look like without music and what fills your days when you’re not busy creating?

Without music, I think I would struggle with my mental health a lot more and life would feel too much like a routine. Making music is my outlet for dealing with emotions that feel overwhelming or confusing at times. Life would be boring without music.

When I am not working on music, I am walking around the city or playing sports like basketball and soccer. I also really love going for long drives.

What, to you, is music’s role in society?

Music’s role in society is to bring people together – to create community and culture.

Thanks again for chatting with us Chloe! It’s been great having you here! Do you have any words of wisdom that you’d like to leave us with?

Thank you for having me, it was great chatting with you. 

My words of wisdom are, “Don’t give up on something that you are passionate about because it always comes back around to give you another shot”.


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We also write about the music industry, the creative process, and modern culture. We tell stories and occasionally have strong opinions about art.


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