
Charlie Rogers Shares Latest Pop Jewel ‘Missed Calls’

A slice of pop goodness, ‘Missed Calls’ signals Charlie Rogers’ newest effort, a nuanced and meaningful record with a playful and catchy production. Following up on ‘Consequences of My Honesty’, released earlier this year, the Nashville-based talent seems to be taking a less poignant pathway, yet maintaining the vivid nature of his lyricism. 

Describing a depressive episode, ‘Missed Calls’ is surprisingly laid-back and elegant, approaching the subject with openness and simplicity. It’s exactly what makes the song a potential match for a large audience. Also, there’s a whiff of Ed Sheeran in it, especially when it comes to the track’s minimal, groovy production (it would work very well as an acoustic bit). 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the single, Rogers explains: “‘Missed Calls’ is a laid-back drive into what it’s like to experience a depressive episode. The idea for the song originated when my co-writer Frye and I were discussing the ways in which our seasonal depressions manifest themselves; along with what that looks and feels like.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Missed Calls’ on Spotify:


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