CH/ZZY Shares Meaningful Boom Bap Record ‘Late Start’

Emerging from Chicago, CH/ZZY is a rather refreshing offering – in the sense that, in an artistic landscape overfilled with trap and autotune rap, he’s delving into tradition and boom-bap styling to shuffle the cards, delivering a more authentic and immediate sound, punchier and darker, at least at times. Also known as Corey M Chiz, the talented Chicagoan just released his latest album, ‘Late Start’, a collection of fifteen tracks, all exploring different aspects of the author’s personal experience. 

His passion for music and the city of Chicago is evident in every song, making the record a must-listen for anyone who appreciates the art of rap. What really sets CH/ZZY apart from other similar outfits is his honesty and vulnerability. ‘Late Start’ is a deeply personal album, tackling topics such as anxiety, panic disorder, and the loss of his parents. It’s a journey through his life, and as listeners, we feel like we are right there with him every step of the way. 

In his own words, the album is “much more than an ice breaker.” It’s an opportunity to get to know the real human behind the lyrics and to appreciate his journey through life and his love for music and art. It’s a testament to the fact that it’s never too late to follow your dreams, no matter how old you may be.

Recommended! Discover ‘Late Start’ on Spotify: 


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