Cas Du Pree: “To be honest I don’t have a creative process! I can start every single song entirely differently”

Cas Du Pree is a Dutch singer/songwriter who concocted one of my favourite tunes so far this year! ‘London‘ is a lively, upbeat, and catchy little number that stole my heart from the very first note. And, if that wasn’t enough, Cas has just unveiled his latest creation ‘Let’s Go!’ mere hours ago.

An artist of the highest order, I was intrigued to find out more about the talented musician and was delighted when he agreed to an interview. Chatting with us about some of his biggest influences, what his creative process does (or doesn’t) look like, and which 3 albums he’d take do a deserted island, please give a big welcome to our friend Cas Du Pree!

Hey Cas, it’s great to have you here! I’m so excited to re-introduce you to our audience! Before we get into the nitty-gritty, please tell us a bit about your musical journey. What has led you to where you are now musically?

Hi, thanks for having me! I actually took over a decade to shake off experiences of the past that made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. I did some talent shows and was praised a lot, but never won. My confidence really took a hit and I took some breaks from music. It somehow improved me and in 2020 I really got some inspiration after seeing the documentary of Taylor Swift. My debut song ‘A Better Me’ was written in 30 minutes! Now, 3 years later, I have an autobiographic pop/rock ballad album and an EP on the way.

Now, as you might recall, my introduction to your music was via your previous single ‘London’. I labelled it “one of the happiest and most infectious tunes that I’ve heard all year” and I firmly stand by that statement! What does the tune mean to you?

I do remember! Thank you for those kind words. ‘London’ stands for the beginning of a new chapter. My rebranding. I love the album that I did with Arron Storey a lot but I felt like I needed to shake things up. I wanted to create fun music that I would listen to myself or could hear on the radio. ‘A new chapter’ is also the name of my EP that I’ve been hinting on via my banners on social media. ‘Let’s Go!’ is the second single of the EP and it’s expected near the end of 2023 for now!

‘London’ is also my favourite place on earth, so I wanted a song to show my love towards the Metropole.

I was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at your brand new track ‘Let’s Go!’, and you mentioned wanting to evolve your sound from your previous album. Do you feel like you’ve achieved this? And, again, what more can you tell us about the song?

I do feel like I evolved. My music certainly did. It’s hard to see evolution when you’re tapping into other genres because it is very hard to compare growth that way. But I feel my voice and music are more mature, layered, and catchy. I’m getting close to where I want to be. Most of all I just want to have fun. Whether that’s recording in my studio or on stage. And besides, I wanted to see people dance to my music instead of crying to it!

‘Let’s Go!’ is a song that starts off with a ballad feel to slowly set into a danceable anthem. It’s important to reflect on the past and look back while also looking forward with joy. Be proud of what you’ve done and who you’ve become. I want to invite you on the journey towards my future.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences? And who did you grow up listening to? 

It’s very cheesy and my guilty pleasure…(My friends don’t judge me, ha!) but I grew up with a LOT of Céline Dion. I appreciated her music when I was young. She made me fall in love with ballads. Of course, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston are also included since I’m from 1987.

I did however listen to a lot more music while growing up. Elton John, George Michael, UB40, Pink Floyd, and ABBA. I guess you could say I had a multi-genre childhood.

Photo by: Wessel Donkervoort

We’re always intrigued by artists’ creative processes, and how they take an idea and transform it into a finished product. Could you tell us a bit about your creative process?

To be honest I don’t have a creative process! I can start every single song entirely differently. Sometimes it’s from 1 single quote or a simple melody, and sometimes I get some music from a producer. For me, the feeling must be right. I always try to get a concept in my head on which I can base a style and music video on. And nowadays I mainly work out concepts and start a song with my producer Arron Storey. We became good friends and he just gets what I want to do and where a song needs to go. It’s also handy because he is a native Englishman and I am not! I mean, my English is totally fine but still not my mother language. Arron is a big part of my process and works with whatever we have first. Like I do myself.

When you’re not creating music, what fills your days? What does a non-music day look like in the life of Cas Du Pree?

A non-music day is kind of basic! I work 4 days a week for a software company as a manager in customer service. And, If I have some time off and don’t create music, I usually play a videogame, go out for drinks with friends, or have some dinner together. I’m not really up for clubbing anymore. Trust me, when you’re over 30, you will feel at least 10 years older the day after.

OK, Cas – desert island time! You’re allowed to grab 3 albums before being stranded on a desert island. Which do you choose and why? 

This is easy! The why is more difficult but I will try.

JP Cooper – Raised Under Grey Skies

This album is so pure and full of soul. It makes you reflect, smile and relax, all at the same time. His soothing voice is really out of this world. (And he’s even better live!)

Dua Lipa – Dua Lipa 

I love this album and her voice. Dancy, funky, sunny. She reminds me of where I want to go with this album. It is definitely inspired by her.

Sia – Any album, I can’t choose!

I LOVE Sia. I wish I could see her live but I doubt that will ever happen. She is quirky and, on every song, you recognise her straight away, even if she only wrote it and sang some backing vocals. You know it’s her instantly. I’ve loved her since the ’90s. She knows what she wants and makes sure she gets exactly that. Very inspiring!

Thanks so much for chatting with us Cas! Not to get too dark or anything, but what would you ultimately like to be remembered for?

I would like people to remember me for my realness, kindness, and perseverance. He who finally started following his dreams.


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