Cas Du Pree Delivers Superb and Eclectic EP ‘Neon Nights’

Oh, Cas Du Pree, how we love thee! Admittedly a little late to the party, we first discovered and fell for the Dutch singer/songwriter just last year. ‘London’ was a tune that I labelled as one of the happiest and most infectious I’d heard, and then came the wonderfully danceable anthem ‘Let’s Go!’ Certain that we’d discovered a highly talented artist, our only hope was that we’d hear from Cas again soon. Seven days ago, he answered our calls.

‘Neon Nights’ is the musician’s brand new EP and features the aforementioned singles as well as two brand new songs and a smashing remix of ‘Let’s Go!’ courtesy of Mats Kuiperij. ‘Takeaway Love’ gets the ball rolling with a delicate yet somehow still upbeat electro-pop soundscape. A track about treating one-night stands as takeaways…and trying to find anything to fill that void of missing love, it’s a compelling fusion of introspection and pulsating beats.

‘Let’s Go!’ serves as the EP’s second tune, and it’s so good to hear the infectiously vibrant anthem again. ‘Dream Within A Frame (With You)’ then makes its introduction, and if I wasn’t fully on board with Cas Du Pree, I very much am now! Every single he releases is an absolute blinder!

‘London’ and the remix of ‘Let’s Go!’ complete the EP, and I’m all out of superlatives at this point!

Serious EP alert! Enjoy ‘Neon Nights’ on Spotify now:


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