
Calum Ingram Returns with ‘Show Me The Way’

One of the most unique and euphoric records we have heard this year, ‘Show Me The Way’ is a slice of blues and rock bonanza, declined following Callum Ingram’s signature recipe for artistic glory. Built over a generous layer of percussions, organ and bass-powered grooves, the track is the perfect background for Ingram’s electric cello, a feature that makes him and the project stand out instantly. What’s more, his cello is treated in elegant fuzziness, with Callum switching from picking to bowing in different sections.

He’s clearly a virtuoso of the instrument, as his final solo attests (a solo shared with the charming organ). Wait a second though – Ingram is not just his cello. He’s his powerful singing voice, too. Through an evocative, malleable and majestic tone, the Scottish creative grabs the listeners by the throat, taking them on an inspiring journey of resilience and hope. 

Gearing up for an album release later this year, Callum explains: “It really fires my soul to slay down some electric cello riffs, and when it was time get into the studio to record ‘Show Me the Way’ I just couldn’t wait to attack it with my bow and 5-stringed NS Cello”.

Discover ‘Show Me The Way’ on Spotify and Youtube:


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