
British Punk Newcomers rosary. Return with ‘save.face’

There’s something special in rosary.’s latest effort ‘save.face’. On the surface, they offer punchy and energetic punk matter, but going deeper one soon realizes how the British band stands for much more. The single is nuanced, poignant and pretty emotional, using distorted guitars and punchy drums to charmingly encircle rosary.’s lead vocals into a dazzling universe of irresistible modern punk rock. Honestly, we are big fans: the group showcases the willingness to create a sound that’s specifically theirs, although influenced by some of their biggest heroes, namely Neck Deep and The Story So Far, among others.

Setting up in the middle of the pandemic, rosary. first debuted last year with ‘Keep You Out’, a fierce and more alt-rock lenient anthem, showcasing the immense potential of a clearly talented band. Now, rosary. return in our playlists, shuffling the cards towards a more cohesive, modern and relatable sound. ‘save.face’ does exactly that. 

An inspiring self-empowerment anthem, the record seeks to motivate the listener in believing in themselves and refrain from toxic relationships. As the group explains: “The main premise of the song is about a toxic relationship in which I did nothing to stand my ground against”. Haven’t we all? 

Recommended! Discover ‘save.face’ on Spotify: 


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