Bradley Copper Kettle & Friends Share Empowering Gem ‘Sleeve’

It’s easy to forget how powerful a good, positive song can be. Bradley Copper Kettle & Friends are here to remind us of that, perhaps in an attempt to lighten our mood during a time when the world seems to be spiralling into darker and darker territories. The American folk outfit shares ‘Sleeve’, a poignant and relatable gem with a strong folk imprint and a touch of country. A soothing and dreamy ballad, the track seeks to empower the listeners into believing in their dreams and exploring the world around them. 

‘Sleeve’ is a direct result of the band’s newly-found outlook and confidence. As they say, “the record is about manifesting your dreams and willing them into existence. If you put out positive energy into the universe it has a way of coming back round. It’s about time we all start believing in ourselves.” With this affirmative attitude, it is possible to make our dreams become reality.

While their songwriting certainly hits the mark, Bradley Copper Kettle & Friends can also boast great instrumental prowess, building their sonic reference around a charming blend of country-folk, bluegrass and overall rock energy. Testament to their quality, the group classified first place at the New England Music Awards Last Band Standing competition. 

Recommended! A worthy listen. Discover ‘Sleeve’ on Spotify: 


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