Bloom’s Taxonomy Shares Leftfield Electronica Album ‘Life Rite’

If you have been following us for a while, you’ll be aware of our love for leftfield and experimental records. There’s something inherently unique and cathartic in listening to a flow of peculiar sonic matter, exploring the boundaries of genres and sound combinations. It is, often, a regenerative experience. That’s why we were so eager to share Bloom’s Taxonomy’s latest record, ‘Life Rite’. 

A collection of organic instrumentation and electronic textures, the album signals the London-based producer’s growth into an established music act, showcasing the wide pool of references he is able to draw from. Also, a decisively vivid personal imagination, allowing him to discover new territories and artistic formulas. 

There’s something for everyone in ‘Life Rite’: from the oriental-flavoured soundscapes found in Ego Death, blinking an eye to the likes of Four Tet and Bonobo, to more conventional vocal-powered songs, such as ‘Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom’, echoing the best Berlin tradition. Spacious, airy and ethereal episodes – the likes of ‘Trillions’ – perfectly contrast totally abstract, obscure and dark gems such as ‘Highland Mist’. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Life Rite’ on Spotify: 


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