Black Mountain Tabernacle Share Country Record ‘The Dirt Farmer EP’

We enjoyed listening to ‘The Dirt Farmer EP’. Not only the record is vibrant and relatable, drenched in soothing and approachable country stylings, but the band itself has quite an interesting story behind it. Who doesn’t love some band drama? Black Mountain Tabernacle can certainly cater to that. They have undergone a recent change in their lineup, as they helpfully explain: “We parted ways with our old rhythm section a year ago as it wasn’t working out with them”. The solution was quickly found upon working with producer Jake Skinner. 

The result of such a transformative process – if you will – is the EP itself, here showcasing the group’s new era, together with newly-found creative energy referred to as ‘dark country’. We get the reference: ‘The Dirt Farmer EP’ moves on anthemic, evocative country matter, slightly cloudy and obscure at times, never too playful and always melancholic. 

Over four malleable tracks, the record engages in a social commentary that stands as a metaphor for today’s troubled society. Navigating a rigged system, a working man tries to evolve and fight back about the ‘dark powers’, only to discover that he was never in a position to make it. 

Recommended! Discover ‘The Dirt Farmer EP’ on Spotify: 


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