
Benton Crane Returns with Introspective Gem ‘Daylight on the Run’

The keen reader might remember Benton Crane from an interview we did with him earlier this year. The American talent had just released ‘Nuclear Night’, described by us as “a bright pop anthem that – through witty and playful musical matter – delivers an important message about climate change and the necessity to take real action. The chorus is perhaps the best part, relatable and catchy, it’s a testament to Benton’s songwriting prowess.” Keeping up his tradition of meaningful, pensive and reflective gems, Crane closes the year off with ‘Daylight on the Run’, a more introspective and sleazy offering still sharing the same psychedelic and art-rock influences of his previous material. 

In a world of never-ending days and nights, it can be hard to appreciate the beauty of a sleepless night. But for Crane, these moments are an opportunity for creative expression. ‘Daylight on the Run’ seeks to highlight the magic of being lost in one’s existence, and using it to create something meaningful. A learning process that goes a long way in helping personal growth. 

On a bed of scintillating guitars and luscious keys, Benton exercises his relatable and evocative vocals, never overpowering its anthemic sonic settings. But there is more to this song than just the music. It is also a story about transformation and the appreciation of the night. As Crane explains, sleepless nights can be emotionally draining, but they also provide a chance to look at oneself and funnel that energy into something cathartic.

Recommended! Discover ‘Daylight on the Run’ on Spotify: 


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