Beatdenker Shares Complex Experimental Album ‘Real Utopia’

We are fairly familiar with Beatdenker, having featured two of his records in the past year or so. You see, the German creative is what we’d call a multi-disciplinary artist, an enlightened musical wizard who also relates to his pieces both esthetically and philosophically. That’s something that needs to be protected at all costs, as the ultimate form of bold artistic advancement. ‘Real Utopia’ is Beatdenker’s latest effort, a collection of fifteen avant-garde and experimental tracks, exploring glitchy electronica and abstract pointillism with a firm eye on sonic research and complex sound design. 

A record that would make Curtis Roads proud, ‘Real Utopia’ thrives on conflicting traits: On one side, we find dark and futuristic textures, a long stream of sound aimed to hypnotise the listeners, offering a cathartic escape from our modern reality. On the other side, Beatdenker also offers a series of short microsounds, often modulating over time and hitting the human brain with meaningful shocks of electricity. It’s therapy, almost. 

This all makes sense with what the German explorer envisioned for the record: “A hypertemporal place designed in the future and materializing in the present. A place where we can be different and multicollectively composed without fear.” There you have it – the philosophical drive behind the project, something that elevates the music to higher territories. If you feel courageous enough, we urge you to dive into ‘Real Utopia with an open mind and a vivid imagination. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Real Utopia’ on Spotify: 


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