AySay Celebrate Nature with Nuanced Jewel ‘Tu Bi Xer Hatî’

There are a few different layers we can peel off from ‘Tu Bi Xer Hatî’. First, its face value: built on nuanced sound design and expansive textures, the single showcases AySay’s authentic and cathartic artistry, on this occasion particularly meaningful too. Exploring and celebrating the act of being born – as a metaphorical tribute to a cosmic ‘beginning’ – the group’s creative head honcho Luna Ersahin engages in soothing melodies and introspective delivery, using the Kurdish title ‘Tu Bi Xer Hatî’, standing for ‘You’re Welcome’. 

The second layer is perhaps not so apparent, yet it’s one of the record’s main strengths. The keen listeners will have noticed the substantial amount of nature-like sounds and field recordings contained in the record. Such an effort is part of Sounds Right, an initiative that places ‘Nature’ as an officially recognized artistic entity, collecting royalties for conservation projects and charity grants. That’s why the song features ‘NATURE’ and ‘Biophonica’.

Speaking about the inspiration behind ‘Tu Bi Xer Hatî’, Ersahin explains: “The song Tu Bi Xer Hatî is about connecting with the beginning of everything. It’s about going back through your memories, all the way to the moment you feel the cold, fresh air after breathing through water for nine months.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Tu Bi Xer Hatî’ on Spotify and YouTube:


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