Asylum213 Impress Us with Hard-Hitting Album ‘Malpracticioner’

A rather compelling album, ‘Malpracticioner’ is packed to the brim with the kind of emotionally-powered rock matter we like so much. Balanced among alt-rock extravaganza, shoegaze sonic flavourings and – yes – a touch of emo character, the record is the perfect balance between guitar-lenient nostalgia and modern eclecticism, showcasing once again the rich artistic background of the group’s head honcho Dylan Lawson. 

Originally planting the seeds for Asylum213 in 2010, the Richmon-based creative eventually rallied a series of like-minded musicians around him, namely Marvin “Silky Piper” Ward (keytar, backing vocals), Dexy Collier (bass), and Benjamin Pilch (drums). Together, the band effortlessly jumps from intense, scream-esque sections to mellower, ethereal moments. One example is ‘Subi’, constantly oscillating between noisy, dramatic euphoria and soothing, laidback lightness. 

The title track does it too, partly, with playful and indie guitar tones interlaced with gloomy math rock and post-punk energy. Lawson’s vocals are quite impressive too, and certainly flexible. Speaking about the inspiration behind the album, he explains: “No matter how dark things get, that small glimmer of light you have at the end of the day is always worth maintaining”. Introspective yet very relatable, ‘Malpracticioner’ takes a hard look at life as a whole, and the many ways humans seek to deal with it. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Malpracticioner’ on Spotify:


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