Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends’ ‘Smash’ is a 50s Infused Grunge Banger

“Smash” is a short, sharp and sweetly brilliant example of how getting your influences right can create something that has brilliantly unique character, and a replay value hard to put a price on.

Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends is a solo project hailing from Sweden, and wears its musical influences on its sleeve, while proudly contrasting with boldly honest lyrical choices. This single, “Smash”, is taken from the band’s sophomore album “No Sweets for E.”, which is a collection of genre fusion and visionary collaboration.

Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends’ “Smash” has a delicious 50s feel; the drums driving with strong and clean sensibility, and the vocals pure, bold and deep, carrying the tune with classic melodic choices. The backing vocals add to that retro atmosphere with a barbershop-esque feel, while the guitar sections add a tantalising element of grunge rock that couples the nostalgic ambience with bold and captivating results.

The record has something unique and yet comfortingly familiar. I personally will have it on repeat!

Recommended! Check out the grungy 50s cool of “Smash” for yourself here:


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