Arahindream Returns with Eerie Offering ‘inFear’

We are certainly not newbies when it comes to appreciating the music of ethereal queen Ariahindream. Her ability to create large vocal soundscapes and transformative pieces is always impressive. Emerging from London, the talented artist is firmly set on a very peculiar style, often focused on her vocal prowess: multi-layering and choral harmonies are a constant fixture of the project’s outputs, drenched in large, spacious and alternative instrumentals. 

Take for instance ‘inFear’, Ariahindream’s latest effort. In it, the listener is greeted with haunting, melancholic material, as if the British singer was to guide us on a journey into deep consciousness. The sonic landscape is minimal, yet darkly intense, the perfect counterpoint to her eerie and evocative vocals, lost in a sea of reverb and ambience. What’s more, the track is fully produced by the artist herself, showcasing a truly enlightened personality. 

Lyrically, ‘inFear’ channels exactly what you’d think from the title: a precarious and solitary state of mind, and an existence balanced in doubts and fears. It all makes a lot of sense as a whole, making the record a particularly nuanced offering from Ariahindream. The single also anticipates a larger release, expected later this year. 

Recommended! Discover ‘inFear’ on Spotify: 


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