
Ann Marie Nacchio Reflects on Lost Love in ‘Tell Me Something’

If all you need are poignant, acoustic vibes, perhaps with a touch of orchestral elegance, you’ll appreciate one of Ann Marie Nacchio’s latest efforts, ‘Tell Me Something’. A slow-paced, nuanced gem, the track is an absolute joy to listen to, especially thanks to its eclectic instrumentation. Featuring a poignant piano, anthemic drums and a rather cinematic strings section, the piece provides the perfect framework for Nacchio’s evocative and perceive vocals, engaging in decisively complex topline, with frequent pauses and unexpected melodies. 

It’s noble and refined pop, at its best. Borrowing folk lyricism here and there, ‘Tell Me Something’ showcases the work of an artist possessing expert musicianship and heightened artistic sensibility. Joined by fellow musicians Adam Tilzer on guitar, KJ The Oddysy on bass, Ward Williams on cello, and Daniel Bradley on drums, Nacchio manages to bring her vision to life, a vision deeply drenched in experimentation and eclecticism.

Taken from Ann Marie’s two-part concept EP ‘The Outward Spiral’, the single seeks to navigate the rapid rise and fall of intense love, with the lyrics capturing the protagonist’s questions and reflections as the relationship disintegrates. It doesn’t give answers though, instead focusing on the timeless research for philosophical resolutions. As Ann Marie explains: “If you came here for songs that resolve, you came to the wrong place”.

Recommended! Discover ‘Tell Me Something’ on Spotify: 


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