
Angryoldogs Return with Latest Effort ‘Woke’

Guided by mysterious and enlightened composer Nellis du Biel, Angryoldogs is a remarkably creative endeavour. Exuding strong theatrical energy, the project shares eclectic pieces with ambiguous lyricism, on the fiery side and with rambling-esque vocals. It all makes sense, though – simply, du Biel is a keen observer of modern times, playing on society and political issues with a playful and critical flair. 

Take ‘Woke’, for instance, Angryoldogs’ latest effort. Riffing around an idea of ‘woke’ that has taken the global political landscape hostage, the Berlin-based songwriter delivers what we can only describe as a blend between satire and facts – we suspect the listener will have to choose between them. To us, this sounds like an anthem in disguise, a piece that uses art to describe the reality around us. After all, is that not what music should do?

Delving into the project’s past catalogue, a trend emerges; Angryoldogs’ titles are very specific and descriptive. ‘I Wanna Be That Dog’, She Threw Me Out’… ‘Woke’ follows that same trend, using a term that’s likely to evoke an instant reaction in the listeners. Hopefully a positive one. 

Discover ‘Woke’ on Spotify:


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