
Andrew Caryl Returns with Emotional Ballad ‘Secret Place’

A quick glance at Andrew Caryl’s Spotify profile, and we were mightily impressed. The Dallas-based producer and writer has managed to build a considerable catalogue of successful records, tracks that have resonated with a wide variety of listeners worldwide. Safe to say Caryl’s streaming figures reflect that in full. Now, Andrew returns with his latest effort, ‘Secret Place’, a stunning and poignant ballad-like anthem featuring Belgian songstress Human without Gravity

In the single, the keen listener will be met with a deep dive into her personal experience regarding living in a big city – chaotic and noisy, it leaves Human without gravity with the need for tranquillity and control. Sonically, Caryl makes ample use of cinematic stylings, implementing nuanced and anthemic drums, a warm grand piano and a sea of evocative textures. 

The Belgian creative’s elegant and heart-shaking vocals are a perfect match for such a vibrant and meaningful composition. Speaking about the inspiration behind the song, she explains: “It was never quiet [the city], which stressed me out because I really needed a place where I could find some peace. I always thought, ‘I wish I had a secret place…’ And that’s how the song was born”. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Secret Place’ on Spotify:


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