
… and the Black Feathers Share Fierce Extended Play ‘In Plain Sight’

Hitting you with fierceness and unmatched energy, ‘In Plain Sight’ will be a welcome discovery for any rock and punk purist, relating to the furious and sleazy character that characterises the two singles. It’s all courtesy of …and the Black Feathers, talented outfit with a knack for retro, lo-fi distortion and socially-relevant lyrics. Emerging from Denver, the group seems to certainly have what it takes, flowing thick and fast through the many shades that compile their style – at times haunting, dark and daring, at other punchy and unapologetic. 

‘In Plain Sight’ showcases this ambivalence very well, containing two tracks nicely contrasting each other. Opening with ‘Ticket’, …and the Black Fathers serve the listeners a proud and electrifying rock sandwich, exploring upfront pure euphoria. ‘HOLLYWOOD’ embarks on a slightly different journey, navigating a more nuanced and introspective personality, well mirrored in its important lyrical message – a remembrance of the ‘Me Too’ movement, and a complaint of how things seem to be going back to their old ways. 

…and the Black Fathers urge us all to take action. As they explain: “If we only live once, let’s not waste time talking about it. Get to it”. 

Recommended! Discover ‘In Plain Sight’ on Spotify: 


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