Amen Sioux Reveals Latest Jewel ‘Drunk in Love’

Crowning what’s been an impressive and productive year, London-based newcomer Amen Sioux celebrates his eclectic artistry with ‘Drunk in Love’, the latest in a series of golden nuggets to explore the sparse land between indie, RnB and soulful energy. The result is absolutely phenomenal, with Sioux managing to build an elegant, poignant and anthemic gem, fully embracing his slick vocal tone and luscious melodies. 

Melodies, yes: Amen’s songwriting always hits the mark, providing the listeners with a bunch of nostalgia and relationship-fuelled drama. In ‘Drunk in Love’, the British talent navigates the euphoria of new love and the difficulty in dealing with such intense emotions. As he explains: “Drunk in Love” talks about being completely intoxicated by an ex and unable to move on. Love and sex are focal points of this new single. When a relationship is over, it can feel a little like a drug withdrawal, with some people wanting to continue chasing that feeling.” 

Recommended! Discover ‘Drunk in Love’ on Spotify and Youtube: 

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