Ales Tsurko Shares Experimental Album ‘Before the Void’

When it comes to pushing the envelope of his sonic horizons, Ales Tsurko certainly doesn’t hold back any creativity and willingness to experiment. Known for his eclectic compositional flair, often balanced between classical and electronica, the Belarusian talent has become a staple of his artistic community, with notable militance in projects such as the Belarus Modern Ensemble and the Belarus Modern Orchestra. 

Recently, Tsurko’s attention has been absorbed by expansive, hazy and evocative soundscapes, fragments of meaningful sounds tied together with cosmic energy and a whirlwind of long-form tones and glitches. It’s a compelling formula, one that completely overwhelms the listener, initiating a decisively introspective experience for everyone involved. ‘Before the Void’ is the perfect evidence of that. Ales’ latest effort, the album features seven pieces with a high emotional charge and a free-form structure. 

While one might think that introspection solely guides Tsurko’s musical research, in reality, Ales is well attentive to the reality around him, so much so that his work is often a reaction to a determinate situation. As he explains: “Even in dark times, I believe it’s important to find and cherish the beauty around us. These moments of beauty keep us going and give us hope. I hope that through this album, you might find glimpses of that beauty and maybe remember your own moments of light during tough times.”

Recommended! Discover ‘Before the Void’ on Spotify and Bandcamp: 


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