Aisle Five Shares Sleazy Single ‘Evil Eye’

Manifesting youth-powered indie sleaze and rebellious lyricism, Aisle Five are a solid candidate to become your new favourite band. Active since last year, the Chicago-based outfit has been hard at work, quickly releasing a series of charming singles that showcase everything the group has to offer: an intricate, hypnotising grid of guitar and bass riffs, delivered over nuanced drum grooves and Izzie Rutledge’s unwavering lead vocals. 

‘Evil Eye’ is the perfect evidence of that. Described by Aisle Five as “everything we’ve been working towards as a band”, it aims to manifest the unique identity shared by the American group, hoping to stand out in an industry landscape that’s more crowded than ever. We are confident they’ll be able to do exactly that: there’s a sort of raw energy in ‘Evil Eye’, a primal quality that seems to be attracting us to the record. 

Formed by lead singer Izzie Rutledge, guitarists Malcolm Filichia and Simon Shah, bassist Meriah Fearon, and drummer Ethan Reinbach, the band is a true college find, with all members meeting each other at Columbia College, in Chicago. We are hoping the project will bloom and develop into a global phenomenon, and based on what we heard, it’s possible. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Evil Eye’ on Spotify: 


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