
A J Green UK Shares Latest Effort ‘Music Set Her Free’

‘Music Set Her Free’ is an elegant gem, the sort of songwriting effort echoing the golden storytelling of the 60s, where storylines were much more cinematic and dreamy. At the time, music was a tool for escapism, a sort of better-life placebo. That’s exactly what A J Green UK has been doing, packing his latest effort, ‘Music Set Her Free’, with relatable and emotional lyricism, guiding the listener through a coming-of-age story that’s bound to inspire and empower every music lover out there. 

Anticipating a larger album expected later this year, ‘Before The End’, the single highlights Green’s best qualities. Based in Wolverhampton, he’s an extraordinarily nuanced producer and songwriter, something the industry seems to have caught up with. We are told he’s in talks for some sort of record deal… a sign that the project has immense potential. 

Echoing the song’s lyricism, A J explains: “the idea was to write a song telling a story similar to a musical film in 4 minutes 14 seconds. The story is about a girl who had very little growing up.” With abusive parents, she will soon move to London, where music will give her comfort and healing energy, finally allowing her to be a peace with herself. 

Recommended! Discover ‘Music Set Her Free’ on Spotify: 


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