
Ollie Twohill Recalls Disastrous Flood in ‘Washed Away’

Often, painful events in our lives can be expressed and declined through art-making, in an effort to deal with a reality that proved to be challenging. Ollie Twohill does exactly that, writing about disastrous floods that last year ravaged his home city of Murwillumbah, in New South Wales, Australia. 

‘Washed Away’ echoes the events that led to the flood: the unfolding of heavy rains and the storm. It then focuses on the many personal possessions lost to the waters, using testimonies he was able to hear first-hand. Musically, the track is quite poignant and nostalgic, encapsulating the fragile feeling of a community that’s now trying to get back to normal life. Drenched in friendly pop-rock, the record also showcases Twohill’s hypnotising vocal tone and nuanced songwriting. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the track, Ollie explains: “This song is dedicated to all communities affected by the 2022 flood events. This is a story that had to be told. Hopefully “Washed Away” conveys what it felt like at the time from a flood victims’ perspective.”

Recommended! Discover Ollie Twohill on Spotify: 


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