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Fat Cat Affair: “I am known in some circles as an international cat of mystery but I prefer to just be known as Fat Cat”

This had never happened to us before, but basically, we are about to interview a pretty peculiar artist, a figure that will surprise you… a cat. Fat Cat Affair is a feline musical talent emerging out of London, UK. His strengths? groove and elegance. 

Championing refined funk and RnB arrangement, Fat Cat truly knows how to deliver a mood. ‘Eyes Full of Tears’ is the project’s latest effort, a poignant and classy soul ballad featuring Janet Tabaka’s mellow and soulful vocals. 

Intrigued by Fat Cat, we had a chat with him to find out more about this very peculiar situation. Intrigued? Let’s find out more below! 

Hey Fat Cat, how is it going? can you confirm for our readers that you are, in fact, a cat?

Well, I have been a cat for as long as I can remember… since birth in fact. I love wearing shades, playing guitar, piano and drums and have orange and black fur. I am known in some circles as an international cat of mystery but I prefer to just be known as Fat Cat.

It must be hard as a feline to pursue art; What first drew you to making music?

The biggest difficulty I had to overcome was having no thumbs. With paws, you have to come up with different techniques to play guitar. Drums and piano are quite easy. But you know, music is in my blood. My mum used to sing to us as kittens and I remember the morning chorus of birds and crickets waking me up every day.

If you had the opportunity to pick any artists in the world for a collaboration, who would be your first choice? (and second choice, perhaps?)

My biggest inspiration has always been Paul McCartney. I never had a chance to work with him and would love to. My second choice is an artist I have had lots of good times with already – Billy Meowlish. I will always meowl and jam with her. I love her dark feline vibes.

You recently released an evocative single, ‘Up At Dawn’. How did the track come about?

The track was inspired by a concert I once played in the Black Forest. I had recently left home, feeling sad about everything I left behind. I found comfort in touring Europe, playing secret parties. There I met a girl who I had an instant connection with. After my gig, we sang together through the night until the sun came up. We made some wonderful music and she restored my faith in people. “Up At Dawn” is my tribute to her and the chemistry we have with certain people.

Do you feel more confident writing music alone, or within a team?

I love both. Music is in my whiskers. I am a cat and live in the moment, so writing takes me anytime and I always have a moment to get a song down, whether alone or with a co-writer. Right now, I am producing an album of tracks with featured artists and it is a super fun project. I love working with other artists and musicians.

How are people reacting to your music so far, do they care about you being a very talented feline?

Since college, I have always played gigs. Everyone at school treated me like a normal student. I didn’t feel different because I was a cat. I think what surprised them was how passionate I was about music and that is still true today. People love passion, whether it is in them or in someone else. We are moved by good art. That is why I love working with guest artists. You can feel the energy they bring to a song.

Artistically speaking, what challenges have the last two years presented you with?

The last two years have been good for me. I got a lot of naps in, spoke to a lot of people, gathered loads more material for songs and have met a whole ton of people that I want to work with.

What are the next steps for your project? Anything exciting on the horizon?

I will continue to release singles over the coming new year. I am working with a number of other artists and creative people. There will be a few more releases and an album called Moon Songs. I may take a little holiday to Egypt. I heard it is warm there and full of cat sculptures. Otherwise, talking about the future is a bit weird. Being a cat, I tend to only think of what is happening now – cosy naps, crazy cat-beats, meowling with people and snacks.



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