We wrote about talented sonic voyager Michellar rather recently, celebrating her evocative pop gem ‘Home Sweet Home’ as “an approachable, heartwarming song”. Well, it turns out that the San Francisco-based songwriter and producer enjoys a rather eclectic approach to her artistry: ‘He’s a Killer’ is the single that caught our attention, a fierce slice of bluesy and classic rock with a healthy amount of fuzzy distortions.
Yet, even among such a striking arrangement, Michellar maintains the melodic, relatable songwriting that makes her artistry so rich. Enlisting the help of Texan vocalist Lloyd Miller, she packs the record with a decadent, laidback character, making for a thrilling listening experience. The lyrical theme is not light at all, exploring the danger of ‘killers’ from Michellar’s perspective.
As she explains: “My dad always warned me about these kinds of scenarios and I have met men like these and have stayed away from them.” Such a perilous quality is fully reflected in the record, with ‘He’s a Killer’ exuding a haunting, anthemic and almost legendary quality to it. Michellar continues: “I wrote this song to remind me of experiences that shape my outlook on Love and Romance.”
Discover ‘He’s a Killer’ on Spotify: