A celebrated performer, actor and composer, Hudson Thames needs no introduction. Boasting credits and appearances in Mad Men, Welcome to the Family, American Soul, and Ghosts – among others – the American creative has developed a personal artistic universe packed with vulnerability and resilience. His musical output is the perfect evidence of that. Take for instance ‘Wrong’; a meaningful, vivid and relatable single, the piece delves into the uncertainty surrounding total devotion to one’s art or one’s better half.
Built on elegant, luscious pop tones, ‘Wrong’ is, on paper, a ballad, yet its aural energy is much more expansive, with a fragrant, heartwarming piano perfectly matching Thames’ stunning, evocative vocals. Reiterating the lyrical focus in the single, he explains: “That pained ambivalence, that fear of missing out, that defiance, heartbreak and determination to make a mark.”
‘Wrong’ also features a wonderful music video, using Hudson’s multi-disciplinary craft to its advantage. Directed by Taylor Gray and Violett Beane and featuring dancer Camila Arana, the visuals’ striking storytelling further augments the record’s poignant quality. A slice of emotional goodness and authentic artistry.
Recommended! Discover ‘Wrong’ on Spotify and Youtube: