
Néfur Unveils Latest Cathartic Piece ‘The Egg’

‘The Egg’ is not just an avant-garde, experimental sonic exploration. It’s also a tribute – a yearning for primordial forces and natural powers. In a sense, it represents the cathartic energy experienced by Néfur when hiking the Icelandic glacier Ok, with sound artist Francesco Fabris. Crucially, Ok was the first glacier to melt on the Nordic island – perhaps a spiritual nod to its name, echoing the word ‘egg’ in English. 

That’s Néfur’s artistic cue: collecting field recordings on-site and using her evocative vocals, the talented artist and creative embarks on a nuanced, abstract journey through soothing, hypnotising melodies and noisy textures, a stark contrast that seems to be working extremely well. Such a diverse and imaginative composition makes perfect sense when applied to Néfur’s vast and eclectic artistic work. 

Active internationally, the singer, composer, sound artist and performer gained a shortlist as ‘best naturally-occurring sound of the year’ by BBC Sound Awards 2021, followed up by appearances at ​​Sonar (Barcelona) and CTM (Berlin). It’s clear she’s doing something right – ‘The Egg’ is the strongest evidence of that, also introducing Néfur’s upcoming album ‘The Water, The Lover’.

Recommended! Discover ‘The Egg’ on Spotify:


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