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Marr Not Meeger: “I was only happy when at concerts”

It doesn’t take long to be mesmerized by Marr Not Meeger’s evocative vocals; set on a layer of rebellious yet soothing guitar, the Irish songstress’ introspective tone feels incredibly nuanced and malleable, allowing the listeners to fully immerse in the track’s lyricism. ‘Yellowcar’ is the song in question, serving as the project’s debut single. 

Exploring the act of self-sabotage in relationships, the record seeks to be an honest and stark look into the many ways humans often don’t allow themselves to be happy. Its minimal yet engaging livery is the perfect match for such a heavy theme, balanced among classic Folk stylings and a certain 90s-flavoured sleazyness. 

‘Yellowcar’ anticipates an EP expected for later this year. Intrigued by the project, we caught up with Marr Not Meeger to find out more about her artistry and future goals… interview below!

Hey Marr, how is it going? some of our readers might not be familiar with your project, how would you describe yourself, in a few words?

Hi! For those who don’t know me, I’m Marr Not Meeger. My stage name comes from Americans and Brits not being able to pronounce my Irish surname, which is spelt as Meagher. I’m a multi-national singer-songwriter who lives in Paris, and my first single ‘Yellowcar’ came out in December of 2023.

Your current work is the result of a long journey; What first drew you to making music?

So many things. The first was realizing that I was only happy when I was at concerts. My love of live performance attracted me to start singing lessons, where I worked on building confidence and improvising songs. My teacher would give me whatever book she was reading at the time, start playing the piano, and I would make up melodies, and eventually my own lyrics. I wanted to play the guitar because guitarists are sexy.

If you had the opportunity to pick any artists in the world for a collaboration, who would be your first choice? (and second choice, perhaps?)

This is so difficult, as I admire so many artists, but two names spring to mind. The first would be Hozier, be it for our shared nationality, or his incredible talent as a songwriter, singer and guitarist. The second seems even more far-fetched, but I would have to say Beyoncé, just because of what a legend she is, and what a beautiful singer.

You have recently unveiled a truly good single, ‘Yellowcar’. Simple, yet intense and emotional, the song is the perfect match for such a fragile and nuanced project. What does ‘Yellowcar’ mean to you?

When I first wrote it, very little. It was a rough draft and the second song I had ever written, with little meaning behind it. I wanted to craft a story that had nothing to do with my own personal experience. When I finished it, however, I realized that I had a gift of some kind, and it inspired me to keep working on it. Since then, it has become such an important piece of music to me, as it has accompanied me through all of my ‘firsts’ in music. First recording session, first live performance, first single.

The single’s arrangement is quite simple and minimal, and that makes your stunning vocals really pop out – and frankly, you have a wonderful, charismatic and powerful tone, it catches the listener’s attention pretty easily. Was the choice of such a compact arrangement a deliberate one? Will you be introducing a fuller sound in the future?

Yes and No. The obvious answer for the minimalism in the arrangement is that I didn’t know any musicians when I first moved to Paris, and I was desperate to release the song. However, in a broader sense, I think that the guitar/voice combo shows a more stripped-back version of the song, which was how it sounded when it was written. I do intend to incorporate a fuller sound into my later releases, as I’ve started playing with a band, which has been so much fun. The version of ‘Yellowcar’ that will be on my upcoming EP will feature bass and drums as well as the guitar.

Do you feel more confident writing music alone, or within a team?

Absolutely alone. I have trouble writing when I’m not alone, and completely able to say or sing whatever without the interjection of others.

You are now based in Paris, away from your Swiss hometown. Is the French city helping in amplifying your artistic inspiration?

It’s definitely presenting more opportunities for artistic expansion, such as gigs and networking, as well as the ability to meet people who can help me with my projects. However, I can find inspiration in any location, as long as I have a pen and paper.

What are the next steps for your project? Anything exciting on the horizon?

Yes! I’m releasing a second single called ‘Pizza For Breakfast’ in April, and my debut EP titled ‘The Boy In The Tree’ in early fall. Both ‘Yellowcar’ and ‘Pizza For Breakfast’ will feature on the EP with different arrangements.


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