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Marginalia Returns with Leftfield Jewel ‘Sparkler Hair’

We have had a previous positive experience with Marginalia. Eclectic and hypnotising, the Canadian outfit crafts ethereal pieces with a unique sonic recipe, one that’s drenched in spacious tones and leftfield energy. Writing about ‘Dances You Absorbed’ times ago, we proudly declared: “It successfully blends contemporary pop with leftfield and avant-garde electronica, resulting in an inspiring piece that does not get forgotten easily”.

We stand by our words: Marginalia knows how to wow the listeners. They are at it again with ‘Sparkler Hair’, their latest effort. Jumping into a drier and noisy sonic concoction, the group seem to pursue a retro-inspired direction, blending minimal electronica with choral, layered vocals. It reminds us of Mount Kimbie, among others. It’s just so unique and quirky, almost visionary, especially in the outro. Pushing the intensity to the max, the track then slowly fades away, gently accompanying the listeners towards the end of the journey. 

Speaking about the inspiration behind the single, Marginalia explains: “Bathed in the ambient glow of rosy nostalgia, we retrace the paths that our youth chose. With ‘Sparkler Hair’, we tell a story of rediscovering the joys of youth through intimate connection”.

Recommended! Discover ‘Sparkler Hair’ on Spotify and Youtube:


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