In the West, we often forget how big and massive China actually is. ‘Under The Dragon Tree’ reminded us of that, shining a light on the many ethnic groups that make up the country’s large population. Each one has its own customs, folklore and languages. In this case, Kunming-based group Wild Mushrooms proudly champions their Hani identity (a group found in China’s southwest), singing in the Lolo language and writing about the cathartic spiritualism enjoyed by their ancestors.
‘Under The Dragon Tree’ is the album that does exactly that: built over eclectic roots and world elements, the record contains a certain amount of psychedelia too, with vocals that oscillate between intimate folk delivery and hazier Enya-style melodicism. Featuring six stunning tracks, including some traditional Hani songs, the debut album is pretty surprising at times, even incorporating a decent amount of rock-flavoured guitars and electronic matters. Wild Mushrooms have certainly listened to Western stuff a fair bit.
Speaking about the ethos behind their work, the band explain: “The Hani people’s most revered spirit, or totem, is the mythical dragon and each village has a large tree either within or close by where the sacred rites are performed. This tree is known as the dragon tree and is a place of special importance in a culture steeped in ancient beliefs where everyday life is intertwined with a complex spirit world that is still largely unknown by outsiders.”
Recommended! Discover ‘Under The Dragon Tree’ on Spotify: